Four single friends -- comic Jerry Seinfeld, bungling George Costanza, frustrated working gal Elaine Benes and eccentric neighbor Cosmo Kramer -- deal with the absurdities of everyday life in New York City.
Saturday February 8 th @ 1:36 AM - The English Patient
Elaine is dragged to see the movie "The English Patient (1996) " on multiple occasions, even though she absolutely hates the film.
Saturday February 8 th @ 3:00 PM - The Statue
A statue wanted by George is stolen from Jerry's apartment by the boyfriend of a writer Elaine is working with.
Saturday February 8 th @ 3:30 PM - The Heart Attack
After suffering what he thinks is a heart attack, George discovers he has inflamed tonsils and seeks alternative medicine to heal.
Sunday February 9 th @ 2:30 AM - The Burning
Elaine finds out that Puddy is religious. Kramer pretends to have gonorrhea. Jerry's new girlfriend has a tractor story to tell him. George wants everyone at work to like him.
Sunday February 9 th @ 3:00 AM - The Bookstore
George is forced to buy a book he took with him into the bathroom. Jerry finds out that his Uncle Leo is a shoplifter. Elaine doesn't want to be known as the office skank. Kramer and Newman start a Hong Kong rickshaw business.
Sunday February 9 th @ 3:30 AM - The Frogger
George is obsessed with preserving his Frogger high score for posterity. Jerry stays one step ahead of a serial killer.
Sunday February 9 th @ 4:00 AM - The Maid
Jerry gets into romance with his maid. George struggles to get the nickname "T-Bone" around the office. Elaine searches for a new telephone number.
Sunday February 9 th @ 4:30 AM - The Puerto Rican Day
Jerry, George, Kramer and Elaine get stuck in standstill traffic due to the massive Puerto Rican Day Parade.
Monday February 10 th @ 3:30 AM - The Stock Tip
Jerry becomes apprehensive when he and George buy stock and the price falls while the person who suggested the stock is in a coma and can't tell them when to sell.
Tuesday February 11 th @ 1:37 AM - The Nap
George takes a nap under his desk. Kramer swims in the East River. Jerry has some maintenance done on his kitchen. Elaine's new boyfriend buys her a new mattress.
Tuesday February 11 th @ 2:07 AM - The Yada Yada
George's new girlfriend keeps including "Yada Yada" in her stories. Jerry is offended by Tim Whatley's Jewish jokes. Elaine tries to help her friends adopt a baby. Kramer and Mickey fight over two women.
Tuesday February 11 th @ 2:37 AM - The Millennium
Kramer and Newman compete during the early planning of each of their millenium parties.
Tuesday February 11 th @ 3:07 AM - The Muffin Tops
Elaine opens a new bakery that sells only the tops of the muffins.
Wednesday February 12 th @ 1:37 AM - The Summer of George
Unemployed again, George decides to have a "memorable" summer. Jerry's new girlfriend has another dude. A new girl at work is hostile towards Elaine.
Wednesday February 12 th @ 2:07 AM - The Butter Shave
Kramer discovers the amazing yet unknown uses of butter, but accidentally fries himself after using it as sunscreen.
Wednesday February 12 th @ 2:37 AM - The Voice
George's colleagues try to force him to leave. Jerry makes fun of his girlfriend's bellybutton. Kramer hires an intern. Elaine gets back together with David Puddy.
Wednesday February 12 th @ 3:07 AM - The Serenity Now
Jerry opens up his feelings. Elaine is getting hit on by the Jews. Kramer gets a screen door. George helps his father sell computers.
Thursday February 13 th @ 1:37 AM - The Blood
Jerry's parents hire their friend Izzy Mandelbaum to become Jerry's personal trainer while George decides to associate food and television with his love life.
Thursday February 13 th @ 2:07 AM - The Junk Mail
Kramer is annoyed with the catalogs he keeps getting in the mail. Elaine falls in love with a guy because of his smile. George's parents are avoiding him.
Thursday February 13 th @ 2:37 AM - The Merv Griffin Show
George runs over a flock of pigeons. Jerry's girlfriend has a vintage toy collection she won't let him touch. A new co-worker is freaking Elaine out. Kramer rebuilds the set of "The Merv Griffin Show" in his apartment.
Thursday February 13 th @ 3:07 AM - The Slicer
Elaine borrows Kramer's meat slicer to feed her neighbor's cat while George tries to hide his not-so-great past from his new boss.
Friday February 14 th @ 1:37 AM - The Betrayal
Elaine and the gang head to India to attend a wedding; Jerry betrays George by having sex with his prospective girlfriend; Kramer grapples with a malignant wish.
Friday February 14 th @ 2:07 AM - The Apology
George is angered when an old acquaintance withholds a 12-Step-mandated apology. Jerry's girlfriend is too comfortable with her nudity. Elaine works with a germaphobe.
Friday February 14 th @ 2:37 AM - The Strike (Christmas)
Jerry goes out with a woman who is beautiful one day and ugly the next. Kramer goes back to work at H&H Bagels. George makes up a charity.
Friday February 14 th @ 3:07 AM - The Dealership
Jerry looks to buy a new car from Elaine's boyfriend. George tries to find a snack. Kramer test drives a car.
Saturday February 15 th @ 1:36 AM - The Reverse Peephole
Elaine is embarrassed by Puddy's fur coat. Kramer tries to keep Newman from getting evicted. George carries everything in his wallet. Jerry is through with wallets.
Saturday February 15 th @ 4:00 PM - The Revenge
George takes revenge on his boss for not hiring him back after he quit and was rude to him, and Jerry and Kramer take revenge on a dry cleaner after Jerry accuses him of stealing from his laundry bag.
Saturday February 15 th @ 4:30 PM - The Deal
Jerry and Elaine believe that they have found a foolproof way to start having sex again yet still remain just friends, but they quickly start encountering problems.